Quantum sensors are used to measure a wide range of physical quantities with high sensitivity and precision. These physical quantities can include acceleration and time for better position, navigation, and timing or magnetic fields, and temperatures, for applications in life sciences.

Quantum sensors have been around since the 1960s when the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (or SQUID) was invented. The SQUID uses a loop of superconducting wire to detect sensitive changes in the external magnetic field. Although extremely precise, these sensors are big, and bulky, as well as expensive to run, as they required cooling with liquid helium.

Newer quantum sensors such as atomic vapour cells do not require cooling but do need heating to around 100ºC, which prevents some long term use, especially with human factors. Atomic vapour cells produce a light signal dependent on the detected external magnetic field. These types of sensors are smaller and more mobile than SQUIDs, but are fragile and not manufacturable at large volume. In particular, the vapour is contained in a vessel similar to a vacuum tube or incandescent light bulb. Find out more about atomic vapour cells, often referred to as optically pumped magnetometers, from the UK quantum sensing hub.

At RobQuant, our team have developed solid-state semiconductor quantum sensors. For this we use standard semiconductor processing. This is the same technology used to make consumer electronics. The key advantage is that our sensors can be produced at large volumes, are robust, and operate at ambient temperatures (not requiring heating or cooling).

By combining our mobile vector magnet technology, we have readily deployable sensor systems that pairs robustness with extremely high quantum sensitivity.

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